Riley, handled by myself, came out of retirement for our Club's supported entry show Nov 21, 2009, and took
Best of Breed
under Breeder Judge Mr. William Potter II
Am. Ch. Sealgair Came To Conquer
(Australian Import)
Am. Ch. Sealgair Came To Conquer
Rage - WB/BW/BOB over Special
at Clackamas Kennel Club
June 2009 Judge: Dr David O. Harris
After her win in August - we held her out until a major was available.
Rage finished October 25th 2009 at the Vancouver Kennel Club
under noted Breeder Judge Mrs. Muriel Purkhiser.
Entry of 11 Bitches, she was again Best of Breed over 2 Specials.
Way to Go Travis & Rage !
Rage wins a 5 pt. Major
on the Specialty Weekend
Olympic Kennel Club 2
Enumclaw, WA
Under Judge Mrs. Judy Webb
over 21 bitches
Rage - WB/BW/BOB over Specials
at Yakima Valley Kennel Club
May 2009 Judge: Judy Doniere
Aust & Am Ch. Rama Rage In The Park
Aust & Am Ch. Rama Rage In The Park
Rage completed her Australian Championship under Mrs. Antonia Thornton of Watteau Kennel (UK) at the Fox Terrier Club of Victoria's (Australia) 60th Anniversary show, placing over 27 bitches. She then went on to capture a Group 1st at the Ulverson Kennel Club in Australia, under Ms. Patricia Connor (owner of Tinnee Town Australian Terrier Kennel)
*** Now in the USA ***
She started her show career here with Travis Luijten handling. Her wins added up quickly. Her win at Yakima Valley Kennel Club under Judy Doniere was a BOB from the classes over 3 Specials! Her win at Clackamas Kennel Club was also over a Special...
Foxwell Rama Strike A Pose
Foxwell Rama Strike A Pose
Photo by Alexandra Terboven
Aug 2011, Winners Dog/Best of Winners - 4 pt major
Olympic Kennel Club, Enumclaw, WA
Fox Terrier of Puget Sound Specialty Weekend
handled by Travis Luijten
Picture to right, Hatboro 2 show, October 2011
handled by Evan Threlfall.
Above right photo, Patton in Open Dog Class at
Montgomery County AFTC National Specialty
Oct 2011 - 1st in Open Dog
June 4, 2011 Winners Dog - 4pt Major from BBE
New England Fox Terrier Club Specialty
Judge: Mr. Robert Black
Best Opposite in Sweepstakes
Breeder Judge: Mr. Andy Digiorgio
(Ch Quigley Brody Bo Britches x Am/Aust Ch Rama Rage In the Park)
Ch. Foxwell Rama Power Strike
Ch. Foxwell Rama Power Strike
The Littermates
Co-Bred & Co-Owned with Mr Peter Luyten
"Patton" has made himself noticed in the show ring
while just starting his show career.
Best Puppy In Show
Garden State All Terrier Show, NJ
May 6, 2011
Handler: Mr Evan Threlfall
Dec 10, 2011 Winners Dog from BBE
Fox Terrier Club of New England
under Breeder Judge: Mr. Bill Potter, II
BOB from the classes over 3 Specials (two in the ratings) her first out with Brian Meindl
Foxwell Rama Oh So Striking
Foxwell Rama Oh So Striking
Best Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes
The Fox Terrier Club of New England
Specialty, Dec 10, 2011
under breeder Judge Mr. Ray Lowe.
Thank you Lucia Hackett for taking her in the ring!
Ch. Foxwell Rama Strike Force
Ch. Foxwell Rama Strike Force
Co-owned with Dottie Carlson, of Amberwood Smooths,
He was shown in the Pacific Northwest by Dottie, picking
up Back to Back Best of Breeds at his first shows
Then, there were no entries in Smooths, so we sent
him to Matias Mato in Texas....where he was
RWD at the Fox Terrier Specialty in Dallas,
Pictured at left going Best of Winners
under breeder Judge Clay Cody in Greeley Colorado
Matt continued Strikers winning streak all the way to Montgomery County weekend, where he took Striker to
Best of Winners at Hatboro 2, under the well respected breeder Judge Geir Flyckt Pedersen, photo at left.
Striker finished his Championship shortly after
Montgomery weekend, in Alabama, with a 4 pt Major,
under Kathy Ferris, the day after his brother,
Patton, finished.

Rage finished her American Championship with
Best of Breed under Breeder-Judge
Mrs Muriel Purkheiser
Oct 25, 2009
Entry of 11 bitches & 2 Specials,
One Special was the dog that was BOB at the
Puget Sound Fox Terrier Club Specialty over an entry of 97
Thank you Travis
Our thanks to the Judges:
Mrs. Polly Smith, USA
Mr. James White, USA
Mr. Walter Goodman, USA,
Handled by Laurel Seison
Mrs. Britta Roos-Borjeson of Sweden
(4 pt major-Washington State All Terrier Club I)
Ms. Annette Baxter, of Australia
(4 pt major- Washington State All Terrier Club II)
Mr. William Potter II, of USA (3 pt major)
to Finish his Championship
Handled by Travis Luijten
Click here to view their pages
We would like to congratulate Riley's son
in El Salvador, Central America
owner/handled to
Feb 27, 2011 in Honduras
under Judge Dr Ricardo Saldana (Mexico)
at about 5 months of age
he has continued to do well in the
Central American show rings.
Marshall has continued to win many BIS-Puppy
Foxwell and McGypsi Mrs Smith
Foxwell and McGypsi Mrs Smith
(Ch Sealgair Came To Conquer x Ch. McGypsi's Nearly Nude)
Co-Owned by Jane Granese & Myself
bred by Jill Soble-Smith & Linda Sallee-Hill
Photo on left was Jane & Missy's first time
in the ring - Hatboro 2009, She went 2nd in her class,
On the right was her first point.
2000 Linda Sallee-Hill
I took a break from showing the front of 2012,
as my Father passed away.
It was not until Montgomery weekend 2012
I became serious about the show ring again.
The photo at bottom left was taken
Montgomery Weekend, Evan Threlfall
handling Patton, and Matias Mato handling
Striker, his brother. Striker went up
this day for the 5 point Major.
Patton was right behind him.
Patton completed his title with a 5 Point
Major at the Decatur Alabama Kennel Club, 11/8/2012, handled & conditioned by the Mato
team, under Breeder Judge Jill Soble-Smith.
Photo on right.
BOW - Hatboro 2 - 2012 with Matt Mato
In the ring at Montgomery, 1st in Open
with Matt Mato
3rd Group Placement - 2013
with Brian Meindl