Foxwell Fox Terriers
Offspring of Foxwell Amberwood Fantasy, ROM, NA, NAJ, CGC, TDI
Sherman Fanny
Ch. Foxden Rendezvous
(Foxden Intrigue x Ch. Foxfaire Flying Colours, ROM)
Fanny's first litter was by Sherman. They produced two lovely bitches, neither were shown, however both girls produced some lovely puppies that attained their Championships. This litter was co-bred by myself & Dottie Carlson (Amberwood).
Foxwell Amberwood Scandal
Stacy was purchased by Arthur Davies
of Davmar Kennels, Upstate NY
She was not shown, but produced some lovely puppies including a National Specialty winner.
Foxwell's Gracie Allen
Gracie is co-owned with
Barbara & Bill Phillips, CT
Auggie Fanny
Am/Can Ch. Buckleigh Captain Fantastic, SD
(Ch. Foxmoor Macho Macho Man, SD x Ch. Sugarhill Rainy Sunday, DD)
Fanny was mated to Auggie for her last litter. The combination was phenominal, producing 4 dogs & 2 bitches. This litter was co-bred by myself & Dottie Carlson of Amberwood Kennels.
Ch. Foxwell's Highly Visible, CD, CDX, NA, NAJ
Bagle was co-owned with
Kaye Licata, MI
She acquired all his titles.
He was used three times by Bonnie Byers of
Windwood Kennels, MI producing some lovely dogs.
Ch. Buckleigh The Sentinel
Simon was co-bred with Dottie Carlson, and was chosen as the
stud puppy' back by Mike Buckley, but he was like oil & water
with Mike. After some negoiations, Dottie and I purchased
him back. He already had two Best In Sweeps at
two New England Fox Terrier Club Specialty's, but no points....
After some adjustment time with me, he flew out to
Dottie (in Oregon), and started his show carear.....
And show he did!
Simon finished in 3 DAYS with three back-to-back
5 point majors, one a Specialty win.
Dottie bred a litter by him which produced 2 Champions,
Specialty winners have also been produced by his
Champion offspring.
Simon returned to me in 1996, where he was immediately bred to Foxwell's Chatterbox.. That same week we headed to the AFTC National Floating Specialty in New Jersey where he picked up an Award of Merit. (approx. 40 Specials entered). That placement made him eligable to compete for The Homer Gage Jr. Trophy from The American Fox Terrier Club. We headed to Maryland the following spring, with his kids in tow, and we won the AFTC trophy and BBE class with his
son & daughter. After securing this honorable award, Simon
retired to stand at Stud at my kennel in CT.
He was used twice, producing a litter from
Ch. Amberwood Vanessa for Art Davies (Davmar), and
from Sheffield's Perpatchual Motion for Sharon Yon,
which has yeilded UKC & AKC Ch Sheffield's
Simon Sez, JE and his brother who currently
finished his AKC Championship.
Simon was retired from stud work after Sharon used him,
and he rested out his days leisurly here at Foxwell
untill he passed over rainbow bridge July 2008.

Simon as a puppy before leaving with Mr. Buckley. He was about 3 months
old in this photo.
Foxwell's Visionary
Prescott was shown and pointed under
the Foxwell banner.
Due to space constrictions, he was sold as a pet
and happily lives in PA.
Ch. Foxwell Winsome Sam Houston
Sam went to Sibyl Sommers, Spring, TX
He finished easily, including a Specialty Sweeps win.
2000 Linda Sallee-Hill
Simon was shown at 22 shows, he placed 1st 10 times, Reserve once,
2nd three times (one placing was at Devon), one 3rd, one 4th (at Hatboro),
two Specialty Best In Sweeps,
Three 5 point Majors in a row, and 3 Best of Breed wins.