Foxwell Fox Terriers
Offspring of Ch. Foxden's Quest of Daystar, ROM
I have listed these dogs/litters as they are all of my breeding
Lorrie Worden of LorQuest (formerly Daystar) Kennels, in upstate NY purchased "Tootsie" for her foundation bitch when she was a puppy. Lorrie is the breeder of all Tootsie's puppies.
Tootsie had quite an unsusal turn of affairs in her life. At approx 1 year of age she was
mauled by a Rotweiler when it jumped the fence into her yard. She was badly bruised
and very lucky nothing was crushed or broken. Lorrie had to give her tons of
physical therapy, not knowing if she may end up being crippled.
Tootsie survived the mauling ordeal, and went on to finish at 2 years of age at the
same time her son, and Lorries first homebred Champion, finished.

Int'l Am Ch. Foxwell Chances Are, ROM Ch Foxden's Quest of Daystar, ROM
(Ch. Laurelton Now or Never, SD x 

(Foxden Rendezvous x Ch Foxfaire Flying Colours, ROM)
Ch. Seafarer Sudden Impact, ROM)
Tootsie's second litter was by Thomas. The litter produced two lovely Champions,
one of which obtained her ROM.
Ch. LorQuest English Muffin, ROM
Kennie finished her title easily, with Group placings.
Bingo Tootsie
Ch. Foxden Nighthawk at Mission's Ch Foxden's Quest of Daystar, ROM
(Am/Can Ch. Foxden Nauset Light, ROM x
(Foxden Rendezvous x Ch Foxfaire Flying Colours ROM
Ch. Foxwell's Lady In Red, ROM)
Tootsie's first litter was by Bingo. Two nice dogs and bitch were produced and shown,
but only one dog was finished. Bingo had been co-owned by a lady in upstate NY
who also acquired a bitch from me and bred one litter only to decide it was not the
breed for her. These were the only litters Bingo produced.
Ch. Daystar's A'Lil Scooter
Ch. LorQuest Nooks and Crannies
Ch. Amberwood Montgomery Ch Foxden's Quest of Daystar, ROM
(Ch. Laurelton Now or Never, SD x (Foxden Rendezvous x Ch Foxfaire Flying Colours, ROM)
Ch. Amberwood Alexandra, ROM)
I believe Tootsie was bred to Montie twice, but the following Champions were
from her first litter.
Ch. LorQuest Harvest Moon
I co-owned Autumn with Lorrie, until I ran into difficulties and had to return her. She finished easily.
Autumn was bred twice to Ch. Foxwell Well To Do, ROM
Ch. LorQuest Reflection
Daystar's A'Lil Jet
This boy was shown a bit, but was placed in a pet home prior to his finishing.
2000 Linda Sallee-Hill